Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Matchee Update


Matchee seems to have stabilized with 1 view per day and 1 sale per month.  Having just let it sit in the app store for the first 6 months I was curious what the problem was and decided to poke around the store and see how easy it was to find Matchee.

I decided to search first for one of the keywords I had entered: "Memory".  There were two problems:

  1. 928 Apps were returned from the search for Memory
  2. Matchee was some where in the middle, around 500, doubtful that anyone would make it that far
Next I decided to search for "Match" since that was in the name and a keyword

  1. That returned 2577 apps!!!
  2. After scrolling for a few minutes I gave up trying to find Matchee... if I gave up it probably isn't likely that anyone else will find it either in the sea of matching apps.

So apparently...

  1. Even though I think I added a new twist to matching, don't pick an app genre that is so easy anyone can crank out thousands of matching apps
  2. Matchee is apparently dead in the app store, at least from being found in there, external advertising would be the only hope now

Patch Rejected

After waiting 5 days for my patch to make it through the approval process it was rejected!  This isn't a good start!  According to the tester, the patch was rejected due to the app not working in the snap view.  This is interesting:

  1. I didn't change any code from my original release in this area, if it is a problem now, it would have been a problem in my original release.  Is the approval process so subjective that it would vary from tester to tester so drastically?  I didn't do anything different with this app vs. the previous two apps either, so it would appear that I got unlucky this time
  2. It is frustrating that this would hold up a patch that it is fixing a bug/adding requested features for my users.  Especially since resubmitting will cause another 5 day lag and now what was a 4 hours after the problem solution is turning into a 10 day ( at a minimum ) turn around.  I can understand if this was the original submission, but to hold up a patch seems like it isn't helping the end user's experience and happiness.
  3. I don't really want the app to play in snap view, I want to be full screen only.  I updated the code to display my logo, will that get through?
  4. Is there now a new emphasis of the testers on snap view with it being more heavily featured in Windows 8.1?  Or did I just get the lucky tester?
  5. I tested my app in snap view ( prior to my adding of the logo ) and didn't notice any major problems, it entered and exited snap view fine.  There were some drawing issues, but enough to reject? Not sure.

First Comments

I received my first comment on my app! ... uh oh, it's negative!  To be fair, the points the user makes are valid and I decide to quickly release a patch to add functionality that was mentioned in the comment.

Unfortunately submitting a patch to the app store is the exact same process as submitting the app for the first time.  Yes, the information that you spent a couple of hours entering in about your app is still there, but the approval process is the same... an expected 5 days from issuing the patch before it will be available to users.  That seems unfortunate as I had a patch ready to go 4 hours after receiving the comment.  Now I'll just have to wait the 5 days.

Poker Tournament - Texas Holdem Week 2

Poker Tournament - Texas Hold'em

Currently my app is on the Top Paid list in the Windows 8 store and is at the tail end of the new releases category.  Sales picked up after the first 3 days and have been pretty stead at around 20 per day.

It is hard to tell in the store analytics how users are getting to the app.  Are they searching for poker or finding it on the Top Paid/New Releases pages?  Unfortunately the developer tools don't appear to give you this information.

To date, I've had $199 in sales.


Total Cost: $1330
Matchee Earnings: $44
Boxes Earnings: $23
Poker Tournament - Texas Hold'em Earnings: $199

Total Proceeds: ($1064)