Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Patch Rejected

After waiting 5 days for my patch to make it through the approval process it was rejected!  This isn't a good start!  According to the tester, the patch was rejected due to the app not working in the snap view.  This is interesting:

  1. I didn't change any code from my original release in this area, if it is a problem now, it would have been a problem in my original release.  Is the approval process so subjective that it would vary from tester to tester so drastically?  I didn't do anything different with this app vs. the previous two apps either, so it would appear that I got unlucky this time
  2. It is frustrating that this would hold up a patch that it is fixing a bug/adding requested features for my users.  Especially since resubmitting will cause another 5 day lag and now what was a 4 hours after the problem solution is turning into a 10 day ( at a minimum ) turn around.  I can understand if this was the original submission, but to hold up a patch seems like it isn't helping the end user's experience and happiness.
  3. I don't really want the app to play in snap view, I want to be full screen only.  I updated the code to display my logo, will that get through?
  4. Is there now a new emphasis of the testers on snap view with it being more heavily featured in Windows 8.1?  Or did I just get the lucky tester?
  5. I tested my app in snap view ( prior to my adding of the logo ) and didn't notice any major problems, it entered and exited snap view fine.  There were some drawing issues, but enough to reject? Not sure.

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