Friday, May 24, 2013

First Roadblock

The first challenge I faced in developing the matching application was what it should look like and where I should get the artwork for the game from.  It didn't seem realistic that I could draw or create all of the artwork that I would need by myself.  Instead I decided to research stock image companies online that friendly license agreements for app and mobile developers.

After much research I settled on using Crestock Stock Images .  Their selection wasn't the best in my research, but the license terms seem to be the least restrictive.

I decided to spend the $200 for a month's worth of photos, which meant I could download 20 images per day for 30 days, giving me 600 images to make use of for the app.  I figured that over time I should re-coop the investment.

Spent: $200 on pictures
Spent: $50 on Windows Developer license
Total Spent: $250
Total Earnings: $0
Net Earnings: ($250)

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