Friday, May 24, 2013

Stock Image Problems

The second roadblock I encountered was simply a matter of time.  My plan was to work from 8pm-11pm most nights, with more time on the weekends.  I figured that this should be enough time to meet my 4 week deadline.

I very rapidly saw that my choice to use a stock image company, while providing me with much higher quality content than I could produce on my own, was eating into my timeline greatly.  It was no small feat to select 20 pictures every single night.  The first few nights were easy, but as the nights went on it became harder and harder to select pictures that were worth the money I had paid and fit within my idea.  It was typically taking 1 to 1.5 hours per night to select the pictures that I needed.

I had no plan to combat the time loss, except to make the selections faster, but this resulted in poorer quality selections that I didn't wind up using.

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