Friday, May 24, 2013


After completing my first app I decided that my work environment was not conducive to generating apps on a regular basis.  Not only was my desk setup uncomfortable, but sitting in the office away from my family was not going to be a long term solution that would allow me to continue to develop new apps.

Still not frustrated by the lack of initial success, I decided to go all in and purchase a new Windows 8 touch screen laptop.  I figured this would allow me to develop in the family room when the kids were in bed and we were watching TV.  In addition it would provide a touch enabled device that would allow me to test a more representative piece of hardware as my target systems.  Finally, buying a new laptop with an i5 processor would allow me to emulate ARM mode to have more complete testing.

After much research I settled on the Lenovo Yoga 13 and found a holiday sale for roughly $1080 with tax.

Total Costs: $1330
Total Sales: $44

Net Proceeds: ($1286)

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