Friday, May 24, 2013

Matchee: 6 Months Later


After 6 months in the Windows 8 app store with Matchee I have sold 43 copies to date.  The following graph shows the adoption per month:

As you can see, I had an initial lead up of sales towards Christmas that gave some promise, but things have stalled in 2013.  The 11 sales in January was sort of exciting because I took it as indicative that more families with kids ( my target audience ) had been purchasing my app, or an increase of Microsoft Surface RTs was paying dividends.

Up until this point I'd done no advertising and relied solely on the Windows App Store search in order to lead to the discovery of Matchee.  Apparently this was not a winning strategy.

To date, Matchee has had 755 page views:

It is hard to tell how many of those 755 views were me in my initial excitement at having the app in the store and refreshing the page :).  Ignoring that, my conversion rate is currently 43/755 = 5.7%

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